Thursday, July 1, 2010


Painkillers are also known as analgesic.


Oxycodone is an analgesic medication which mainly from opium-derived thebaine. It is used in oral medications to relieve moderate to severe pain. It is metabolized to α and β oxycodoloxymorphone, then α and β oxymorphol and noroxymorphone; and noroxycodone, then α and β noroxycodol and noroxymorphone (N-desmethyloxycodone). These painkillers are different from morphine or others, as it is metabolized by the cytochrome enzyme system. Some consumer can take the effect of this painkiller while some consumer take a slower effect on this painkillers.


However this analgesic may give side effects to human body. The most reported side effects are euphoria, constipation, fatigue, dizziness, headache and many more. It also affect the vision of the consumer. The mood is affected as well such as loss of appetite, nervousness, hiccups and so on. However, the drug rarely cause impotence, enlarged of prostate gland and decreased in testostetone secretion. If it is overdose in a human body, or the patient maybe intolerant with it, it may cause shallow breathing, cold, clammy skin, apnea, hypotension, pupil constriction, circulatory collapse, reapiratory arrest and death. If the patient discontinues oxycodone abruptly, there is a higher risk of getting severe symptoms.

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The active ingredient in most painkillers are ibuprofen, acetaminophen or acetylsalicylic acid. Acetylsalicyclic acid is commonly known as aspirin. On the other hand, Ibuprofen found mostly in painkillers. there are also products that combine the two of the three active ingredients. Pharmodynamics and pharmokinetics in each drug may always side effects and possibly long term depends on each drug.


There are few well known painkillers. Different painkillers give different side effects. Codein is like morphine which found in opium. Fentanyl is a made oploid painkillers which are almost the same as morphine. As for morphines it is an active ingredient of opium. While opium is from opium poppy. Hydrocodone is often combined with acetaminophen such as vicodin.

By taking all these pain killers, there are side effects to the body. It may cause drowsiness, inability to concentrate, apathy, lack of energy, vomitting for short term effect. If its taken for long term, the drugs may become addicted and experience withdrawal of symptoms when he stops taking the drug. If it is overdose, the physical signs will be pinpoint pupils, cold and clammy skin, confusion, convulsions, severe drowsiness and troubled breathing.

However, teeanges nowadays mistaken the use of these painkillers and the overtake of these may cause addiction in them. Painkillers such as OxyContin and Vicodin are often used. Why made use of such harmful drugs to your health?

Appreciate Yourself.

You only live once in a lifetime. Appreciate life.


Special thanks to :

1. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 21 July 2010, Oxycodone,
Available from: [Access on: 23 July 2010]
2 The National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, Painkillers,
Available from: [Access on: 23 July 2010]

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